Setting up a Ghost blog and MariaDB with Docker and docker-compose
UPDATE: Since i wrote this post, docker-compose has been released by the docker team. This replaces fig completely, which is now deprecated. To make the transition, you just have to rename fig.yml
to docker-compose.yml
and use $ docker-compose
instead of $ fig
Obviously, you need to install docker-compose on the host first.
This now works with OSXContainerHost, if you're using OSX.
I just recently set this blog ghost blog up, so I decided to write this post along with it. This post elaborates the setup which is currently hosted on Digital Ocean.
Ghost is a widely used blogging platform written entirely in javascript, both on the client and on the server using node and expressjs. By default, it uses a SQLite instance for persistence, but I've never really used nor liked SQLite that much, and also to fit an even better use-case for using Docker, while maintaining separation of concerns. So we're splitting up the containers by responsibility and using MariaDB as our "favorite database"!
We will split the responsibilities up in Docker containers which runs completely isolated from each other. One for the ghost platform, one for the database and one for data only. The data container will host all data, which will be accessible from within our containers as mounted volumes.
And with a few small bash scripts, we will get the essentials bootstrapped and everything running.
Using Fig, we can easily manage our Docker containers and their respective builds. If you've never played around with Docker before, I would encourage you to go familiarize your self with it's documentation before jumping in to fig.
Fig provides a clean interface for managing containers, and lets you handle all your app's services from a single source.
Fig also has a number of other really nice features, such as scaling, though I haven't tried it yet.
Disclaimer: I'm no docker expert whatsoever, nor do I claim that this is the way to do it, but just my 1337 cents
Tools we're gonna use
Fig- docker-compose has been released, which replaces fig.- Docker -
you might need boot2docker if you're running OSX. OSXContainerHost is actually my favorite choice for proxying docker on OSX, but it has a known issue with the devicemapper when using fig.The release of docker-compose has fixed the devicemapper issue, and now works perfectly. - Your favorite editor!
I want a Ghost blogging platform connected with MariaDB. I also want to be able to grab backups, and update my theme easily. Ohh, and I want that shit dockerized and managed with fig!
So we have our quite abstract problem. Let's split it into smaller objectives:
- Create a Dockerfile for a data-only container
- Create a Dockerfile for setting up MariaDB
- Create a Dockerfile for setting up Ghost
- Compose a fig.yml to orchestrate all our app's services
- Manage the containers with Fig
- Optional: Create a bash scripts to create/restore backups
- Optional: Setup a virtual host for nginx to proxy requests to our blog
Data-only Dockerfile
FROM busybox
MAINTAINER Dennis Micky Jensen <>
# Create default ghost content dirs
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/ghost/content/apps
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/ghost/content/images
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/ghost/content/themes
RUN mkdir -p /var/www/ghost/content/data
Here we're instructing Docker to create a few default directories when building our image. The reason for creating these folders, is that the content folder will be mounted from the data container and might risk deleting the initial folders that came with the installation of ghost. If these folders doesn't exist, ghost wont run.
Initially, I didn't event want to have a Dockerfile for this container (you can use either an image or a Dockerfile), but somehow without the Dockerfile, I could not get data to persist over restarts, so yeah, fuck that.
The base image we're using here; busybox
, is just a really small image, which is perfect for our data-only container. You can find already existing images on Docker Hub
MariaDB Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu:trusty
MAINTAINER Dennis Micky Jensen <>
# Download MariaDB
RUN apt-get update && \
apt-get install -y mariadb-server pwgen && \
rm -rf /var/lib/mysql/* && \
apt-get clean && \
rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/*
# Set bind address to and enforce port
RUN sed -i -r 's/bind-address.*$/bind-address =' /etc/mysql/my.cnf
RUN sed -i -r 's/port.*$/port = 3305'/ /etc/mysql/my.cnf
# Add bash scripts for creating a user and run server
RUN chmod 775 /*.sh
# To avoid mysql whining about this variable
# Set default entry point
CMD ["/"]
There are more fine and optimized base images for databases, than just ubuntu:trusty, but I went with a straight ubuntu for simplicity sake.
The important thing to notice here, is opening up for connections outside localhost, and adding the two bash scripts we need. The containers will have there "links to other containers" defined in the fig.yml
file. Finally, we're instructing the container to invoke
as the default command upon invocation.
MariaDB start script
if find ${VOLUME_HOME} -maxdepth 0 -empty | read v; then
echo " -> Installation detected in $VOLUME_HOME"
echo " -> Installing MariaDB"
mysql_install_db > /dev/null 2>&1
echo " -> Done!"
echo "-> Booting on existing volume!"
exec mysqld_safe
This script is the default command for our database container. When initial boot is detected, we bootstrap the server and invoke our create-user script outlined below, then we start our server.
Create database user script
/usr/bin/mysqld_safe > /dev/null 2>&1 &
while [[ RET -ne 0 ]]; do
sleep 5
mysql -uroot -e "status" > /dev/null 2>&1
mysql -uroot -e "CREATE DATABASE ghost"
mysqladmin -uroot shutdown
This script will be invoked from
when initial boot is detected. We start our database instance, waits until the instance is ready,
then creating the user with credentials which we will define later in our fig.yml
Ghost Dockerfile
FROM node:0.10-wheezy
MAINTAINER Dennis Micky Jensen ""
# Download and install latest version of ghost
RUN cd /tmp
RUN wget
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install zip unzip
RUN unzip -d /ghost
RUN rm -f
RUN mkdir -p /var/www
RUN mv /ghost /var/www
RUN npm install sqlite3 --build-from-source
RUN cd /var/www/ghost && npm install --production
# Move ghost into the system neighbourhood. Welcome yo!
ENV HOME /var/www/ghost
RUN useradd ghost --home /var/www/ghost
WORKDIR /var/www/ghost
# Add config and script to start the engine
ADD config.js /var/www/ghost/config.js
RUN chmod 0500 /
When building the image from this Dockerfile, we download and install the latest version of ghost. We also create and configure a user which will run the ghost app.
You might have noticed, that there is next to none environment variables set. They will be defined in fig.yml
which we will get to later.
You can basically decide your self, how wanna split the instructions between fig and the Dockerfile. I just went for a solution I thought was adequate, but frankly, I'm not quite sure about the best practices here though.
Ghost config file
This gist provides a quite generic template for config.js
, that's more or less completely configurable with environment variables.
To be honest, I don't remember where I got this from, so I don't know who to credit :(
I have not considered emailing in this setup, but it's only a couple of environment variables you need to add, which you can spoof from the file.
Ghost boot script
if [ -d ${_theme_source_destination} ]; then
cd ${_theme_source_destination} && git pull origin master
cd $HOME
git clone ${THEME_SOURCE} $HOME/content/themes/casper
chown -R ghost /var/www/ghost
su ghost -c "npm start"
Here we are detecting if the theme (also configured in fig.yml
) has been checked out from git yet, and if not, we pull the latest changes. This script runs every time you start the container, so if you've pushed changes to your theme, it's just a matter of restarting your container to get the updates.
Then we ensure ghost ownership to our web folder, and start the express server. This might not be the most secure procedure, but it floats my boat for now :P
This is where we define our services for our whole application. Fig will take care of building images and starting containers.
Here is how our fig.yml
looks like:
build: ./data
- /var/lib/mysql
- /var/www/ghost/content
# - /Users/mewm/www/ghost-theme:/var/www/ghost/content/themes/casper This can be added for theme development. Comment out the theme stuff in before rebuilding
build: ./mariadb
- "3305:3305"
- data
- DEFAULT_USER=ghost # A user with this name will be created
- DEFAULT_PASS=foobarbaz
- PORT=3305
build: ./ghost
- "2368:2368"
- db:database
- data
- DB_HOST=database
- DB_CLIENT=mysql
- DB_USER=ghost
- DB_PASSWORD=foobarbaz
- DB_PORT=3305
- NODE_ENV=production
- URL=
- THEME_SOURCE= # Git repo to fetch theme from
As you can see, configuring Docker containers with Fig is really easy. There is fig counterpart to almost all options that goes with docker run
As vaguely mentioned before, you can define your instructions either in fig.yml
or the Dockerfile
, and mix it up that way, to whatever fits your use-case best.
For each service, I have a sub folder containing its Dockerfile and related scripts. The build
options specifies the path to the Dockerfile. The only mandatory option in the fig.yml
is build
or image
. Using image, you even need a Dockerfile.
Now we have structured the essentials for our application, we're ready to fire it up! A more complete cli reference can be found here.
# Build application from our fig.yml
$ fig build
# Start our application. This runs the CMD specified in the Dockerfiles
$ fig up
# If you've made changes to your theme, you can just restart the web service to update from github
$ fig restart web
An there you have it! Both commands aggregates a fair amount of output from each container, but hopefully you should see everything go pretty smoothly. Fig will stay open if no exit code is detected. You might wanna throw in a -d
to run it "Detached mode".
When you're playing around with builds, it's useful to remove containers you don't use anymore. The rm
command removes all stopped containers. By specifying a service name, you can target specific services. You can start and stop existing containers with start
and stop
It's worth mentioning that up
doesn't rebuild images automatically, so if you've made changes to a Dockerfile, you will need to build
it again. To get an overview of your containers, ps
will do the job, just as with the docker cli. If your container has a shell (busybox doesn't) and you wanna sneak around inside your container, you can start an interactive shell with fig run web /bin/bash
(currently, I'm experiencing an issue where this command actually just hangs. By waiting 5 seconds and then CTRL+C it actually continues).
A few caveats I've encountered, which is worth mentioning:
- Docker seems to give a shit about your low-volume overly expensive SSD disk, and tends to build up quite a few containers and images occupying a lot of space. Just try do a
docker ps -a
(shows all your containers),docker images
(shows all images). They don't even have an easy way of cleaning it up, but luckily there is this little naughty one-line that does the job:docker rm $(docker ps -a -q) && docker rmi $(docker images -q)
- Warning: all your shit will be lost. If you're on OSX, you can also just destroy your VM box that contains docker. - Maybe you've noticed, but the data-only container isn't actually running. That's because even though the container is stopped, the volumes are still active. This took me quite a while to figure out :P
Backup and restore scripts
This is where we take advantage of our mountable volumes on our data-only.container.
# Backup db data to a tar file
docker run --volumes-from ghostmariadbfig_data_1 -v $(pwd)/backups:/backups ubuntu tar cvf /backups/db_backup_$(date +%Y_%m_%d).tar /var/lib/mysql
# Restore database backup
docker run --volumes-from ghostmariadbfig_data_1 -v $(pwd)/backups:/backups ubuntu tar xvf /backups/db_backup_<date of backup>.tar
# Backup ghost content data to tar file
docker run --volumes-from ghostmariadbfig_data_1 -v $(pwd)/backups:/backups ubuntu tar cvf /backups/ghost_backup_$(date +%Y_%m_%d).tar /var/www/ghost/content
# Restore ghost content backup
docker run --volumes-from ghostmariadbfig_data_1 -v $(pwd)/backups:/backups ubuntu tar xvf /backups/ghost_backup_<date of backup>.tar
Here we mount the volumes from our data container, and also mount a host directory to a backup folder inside the container. Then we create a tar file from our mounted data volume and archives it in the mounted host folder.
The name ghostmariadbfig_data_1
is just the default name fig gave our data-only container. You can spoof the name of your containers with fig ps
This might look pretty wicked, but if you chunk them down to bits, it's easier to wrap your head around it. Here is what happens:
docker run
- command to run a container--volumes-from ghostmariadbfig_data_1
- Mounts the volumes from our data container so they are accessible inside our temporary ubuntu container.-v $(pwd)/backups:/backups
- Mounts our ./backups as /backups inside our containerubuntu
- The image we wish to template our container. This will be downloaded automatically if not found locally.tar cvf /backups/ghost_backup_$(date +%Y_%m_%d).tar /var/www/ghost/content
- This is the command sequence to run once the container is booted. We create a tar from our wanted data and saves named todays date. When the operation is done and docker receives an exit code, the container will shut down automatically.
To restore each backup, all you have to do, is extract the tar file instead of creating it. Remember to change the file name :P
It's fairly easy to rewrite these snippets to grab the tar filename from a command line argument, just take a look at this project on github
Nginx virtual host
If you like me is a sucker for nginx, and you host several sites on your server already (which are likely occupying port 80), you can use a virtual host to proxy the requests to your ghost app. There is similar script out there for apache as well.
server {
server_name; #replace this line with your domain
access_log /var/log/nginx/; #replace this with any log name
location / {
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header HOST $http_host;
proxy_set_header X-NginX-Proxy true;
proxy_redirect off;
Final words
All the code outlined can be found in a diversed branch on github. The master
branch contains the newest version of the application setup.
I think Docker and fig are amazing tools and I use them as much as possible. Getting your application up and running is a blaze, and if your worried about any performance overhead in your production environments, check this SO post. It shows very little overhead, which even in the short run is hugely compensated for in flexibility.